React-Redux: Combining reducers: Unexpected Keys React-Redux: Combining reducers: Unexpected Keys reactjs reactjs

React-Redux: Combining reducers: Unexpected Keys

I think you simply need to add reducers for the additional keys, e.g.

function one(state = {}, action) {  switch (action.type) {  case ONE_UPDATED:    return  default:    return state  }}

From the docs:

If you produced reducer with combineReducers, this must be a plain object with the same shape as the keys passed to it. Otherwise, you are free to pass anything that your reducer can understand.

If you don't need to handle any actions related to one or two, just pull them in initially, this could be as simple as

export default combineReducers({  events,  flash,  one: (state = {}) => state,  two: (state = {}) => state})


If you do SSR, recompile your server side bundle!


This error message can appear when you do server side rendering (SSR), change something in the reducer's code and you only recompile/HMR it on the client side.

When you do SSR, you have to serialize your Redux store to a global variable (like window.__INITIAL_STATE__), so when you initialize the client side, createStore can read that and build the same Redux state.

If you don't recompile your modified code for the server side, the initial state from the server may still contain a state with the old keys (from the old reducers) while the client side has the new state (from the new/modified reducers).

Technically this won't break how the client side works because Redux ignores the unexpected keys, its just a useful warning (not really an error) that remembers you to recompile your server side bundle. Tho, this can be a concern in production or when you benchmark hydration performance because the different state can result in a different DOM. Of course, this mistake shouldn't happen in production, because your deployment process should automatically create both the client and server side bundle.