React router v4 redirect when no match React router v4 redirect when no match reactjs reactjs

React router v4 redirect when no match

For anybody arriving here looking for how to redirect if none of the routes matches:

<Switch>  // ... your routes  <Route render={() => <Redirect to="/" />} /></Switch>

Note that the routes have to be direct children of the <Switch>, e.g. this doesn't work:

<Switch>  <Fragment>    // ... your routes    <Route render={() => <Redirect to="/" />} />  </Fragment></Switch>

(maybe fixed in more recent versions of react-router)

The answer is simple

<Switch>  <Route path="/login" exact component={Login}/>  {!this.state.user && <Redirect to='/login' />}  <Route path="/" exact component={Home}/>  <Route path="/profile" exact component={Profile}/>  <Redirect to="/" /></Switch>

The main difference between switch and router is that router will try to execute all matched path and append content together, switch will stop on the first match.

My app has a similar approach, but I wrapped protected routed on a separate file, then wrap the user profile as HOC

export const App = () => (  <Switch>    <Route exact path='/login' component={Login} />    {!hasToken() && <Redirect to='/login' />}    <Route path='/' component={ProtectedRoute} />  </Switch>)


const ProtectedRoute = ({ userInfo }: Props) => (  <Layout userInfo={userInfo}>    <Switch>      <Route exact path='/a' component={A} />      <Route exact path='/b' component={B} />      <Route path='/c' component={C} />      <Redirect to='/a' />    </Switch>  </Layout>)export default withUserInfo(ProtectedRoute)

Have you thought about using a Route wrapper that checks for a user when a user is necessary for the Route?

const CanHasRouteAccess = ({ component: Component, iHasUser, }) => {  return iHasUser ? (    <Route {} render={props => <Component {...props} />} />  ) : (    <Redirect to="/" />  );};

You could pass the props to the Route or cause a redirect to the home page when there isn't a user.

<CanHasRouteAccess  path="/personal-data"  exact  component={Profile}  iHasUser={Boolean(user)}  />