ReactJS app published to Github pages with custom domain ReactJS app published to Github pages with custom domain reactjs reactjs

ReactJS app published to Github pages with custom domain

Make sure your package.json have the attribute homepage. e.g.

  "homepage": "https://<git-USER>",

That's literally what I just did with my cra projet. If you want to take a look on my project just look at the develop branch. However, I haven't use gh-pages -d build. I just built the project myself and create the branch gh-pages and put the content of my build into it. It should be the same though.

Adding a copy CNAME script to my package.json scripts worked for me as it wasn't being published to gh-pages branch automatically in the React Create App build dir.

"copy": "cp ./CNAME ./build/CNAME","predeploy": "yarn build && yarn copy",