reactjs jest jQuery is not defined reactjs jest jQuery is not defined reactjs reactjs

reactjs jest jQuery is not defined

You can add jQuery dependency in your global object. Do the following

  1. In your package.json, under jest key add setupFiles like this"setupFiles": ["test-env.js"] For example:
{  "jest": {    "setupFiles": [ "<rootDir>/tests/test-env.js" ]  }}
  1. Where the contents on test-env.js look like this
import $ from 'jquery';global.$ = global.jQuery = $;

Make sure the path to test-env.js is correct from your root directory. <rootDir> is available in Jest.

If you are using Jest 27+, node is now the default testEnvironment. If you need to use jQuery in jest setup script, make sure to first change the testEnvironment back to jsdom.

in jest.config.js:

module.exports = {  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.js'],  testEnvironment: 'jsdom'}

in jest.setup.js:

import $ from 'jquery';global.$ = $;global.jQuery = $;// If you want to mock bootstrapglobal.$.fn.modal = jest.fn(() => $());global.$.fn.carousel = jest.fn(() => $());global.$.fn.tooltip = jest.fn(() => $());