Reducing 2 steps to 1step when clicked on input type=date Reducing 2 steps to 1step when clicked on input type=date reactjs reactjs

Reducing 2 steps to 1step when clicked on input type=date

You can try firing focus or click event:

_onFocus: function() {     e.currentTarget.type = "date";     e.currentTarget.focus(); // or .click();}

Try overlaying the date input over the placeholder input and setting the date input to CSS opacity: 0. Therefore, when the user tries to click the placeholder input, they actually click the date input.

Here is an example JSBin.,js,output

Notice the onDateInputFocus and onDateInputBlur callbacks that update the date input's appearance.

try onfocus=""

<input placeholder="select date" type="text" onfocus="(this.type='date')">

Otherwise, I will make a place holder with ng-show, instead of change input tag. Input tag should always be "date" if you want to use native selection of date. (which is always should do)