redux saga selectors, how do I access state from a saga? redux saga selectors, how do I access state from a saga? reactjs reactjs

redux saga selectors, how do I access state from a saga?

You will have to use selectors for that. I'll give a simple example. Create a file selectors.js and add the fields you want to select from your store, as shown below.

export const username = (state) =>;

Then in your saga, import the selectors as,

import * as selectors from './selectors';

and when you require username in your saga, you can simply do,

import {select} from 'redux-saga/effects';......function *sampleSaga(params) {   const username = yield select(selectors.username);}

the constant username in sampleSaga will now hold the username value from state.

Looks like things may have changed a little. Not sure, the redux-saga docs did not help me out. Could be the way my store is set up. But if you're stuck in 2021, this may help:

I have a state with the property 'currentUser', which in turn has property 'id'. I need the id.

const getUser = (state) => state.get('currentUser')function* addItem() {    const currentUser = yield select(getUser)    const id = currentUser.get('id')    debugger}function* itemQuantitySaga() {    yield all([takeLatest(INCREASE_ITEM_QUANTITY, addItem)])}