Redux store does not have a valid reducer Redux store does not have a valid reducer reactjs reactjs

Redux store does not have a valid reducer

Your import statement is incorrect. Either you use import { Foo } from 'bar' together with export Foo, or use import Foo from 'bar' if you export with export default Foo.

In other words, change either export default function FriendListReducer to export function FriendListReducer, or change the import statement from import { FriendListReducer } to import FriendListReducer.

If the object is empty.

 export  default  combineReducers({ })

This error will show.

../reducers/reducers ? it's a strange naming

Anyway, it seems ../reducers/reducers doesn't return a reducer, if reducers is a directory, put a index.js inside, import each reducer and create a root reducer

import FriendListReducer from "./FriendListReducer"const rootReducer = combineReducers({   friendList : FriendListReducer})export default rootReducer

Important!! you will have state.friendList in your state.

I hope it will help