Regex in React email validation Regex in React email validation reactjs reactjs

Regex in React email validation

Use RegExp#test and fix the regex like this:

if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]+$/.test($('#email').val())) { /* return true */ }                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^  

To support multiple dots in the domain name, you may wrap the first part with a non-capturing group and set a 1 or more occurrences quantifier:

/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)+[A-Za-z]+$/               ^^^              ^^ 

The [A-z] actually matches some non letter symbols, and unescaped . matches any char but line break chars. Note that $ anchors the string at the end and + matches 1 or more occurrences.

There are other email regexps out there, see Validate email address in JavaScript? if your scenario differs from the one in OP.

Another regex you can use which is a bit shorter is .+@.+\..+

It's not so strict but it checks the format which is the most important thing.

Maybe not perfect, customized @tw_hoff's post.

/.+@.+\.[A-Za-z]+$/.test("") //true/.+@.+\.[A-Za-z]+$/.test("") //false