Rendering a component with ternary expression Rendering a component with ternary expression reactjs reactjs

Rendering a component with ternary expression

I've seen it before in react-native.
There are 2 reasons i know of that will throw this error:

  1. returning null / undefined (not your case i think)
  2. spaces after the </Text> tag (i think this is it in your case)

So remove the spaces in the end:

<View style={container}>          { this.state.loaded ?                             (<VictoryChart                    theme={VictoryTheme.material}                    >                    <VictoryArea                        style={{ data: { fill: "#c43a31" } }}                        data={this.coinHistoryData}                         x="cHT"                        y="cHTVU"                        domain={{ y: [0, 30000] }}                    />                    </VictoryChart>)          : (<Text> Loading..</Text>)}  </View> //<--- spaces are here

So this line

: (<Text> Loading..</Text>)}  </View> 

Should be like this

: (<Text> Loading..</Text>)}</View>