Replace array entry with spread syntax in one line of code? Replace array entry with spread syntax in one line of code? reactjs reactjs

Replace array entry with spread syntax in one line of code?

use Array.slice

this.setState({images: [...this.state.images.slice(0, 4), updatedImage, ...this.state.images.slice(5)]})

Edit from original post: changed the 3 o a 4 in the second parameter of the slice method since the second parameter points to the member of the array that is beyond the last one kept, it now correctly answers the original question.

Object.assign does the job:

this.setState({images: Object.assign([], this.state.images, {4: updatedImage}));

...but involves a temporary object (the one at the end). Still, just the one temp object... If you do this with slice and spreading out arrays, it involve several more temporary objects (the two arrays from slice, the iterators for them, the result objects created by calling the iterator's next function [inside the ... handle], etc.).

It works because normal JS arrays aren't really arrays1 (this is subject to optimization, of course), they're objects with some special features. Their "indexes" are actually property names meeting certain criteria2. So there, we're spreading out this.state.images into a new array, passing that into Object.assign as the target, and giving Object.assign an object with a property named "4" (yes, it ends up being a string but we're allowed to write it as a number) with the value we want to update.

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