Running jest tests directly in Intellij Idea/WebStorm? Running jest tests directly in Intellij Idea/WebStorm? reactjs reactjs

Running jest tests directly in Intellij Idea/WebStorm?

To make Jest test results shown in a tree view (like karma, etc.), a special integration is needed. WebStorm doesn't yet support Jest. Please vote for WEB-14979 to be notified on any progress.

EDIT: as of March 2017 the first version of Jest integration at WebStorm has been released.

In WebStorm 9+ You can set this up as follows:

  • Install Jest CLI: npm install --save-dev jest-cli

  • Create node run configuration with javascript file set to node_modules/.bin/jest, and application parameter to --runInBand. runInBand tells jest to run in single process, otherwise there's a port conflict when running multiple node processes in debug mode

  • Create some tests and run configuration in Debug mode (Ctrl-D/CMD-D). If you set breakpoints in your test or app code they should hit

It would be great though if you could click on file:line numbers in the output to go directly to the code.

enter image description here

app_sciences's answer is awesome, but does not work for Windows.

For windows, you can use next configuration:Windows webstorm jest configuration

Provided configuration is taken from here