Show/Hide ReactJS components without losing their internal state? Show/Hide ReactJS components without losing their internal state? reactjs reactjs

Show/Hide ReactJS components without losing their internal state?

One option would be to move the conditional inside the component itself:

Bio = React.createClass({    render: function() {        if( {            return <p>bio comp</p>        } else {            return null;        }    }});<Bio show={isBioPage} />

Whether this is "best practise" or not probably depends on the exact situation.

Unfortunately, style={{display: 'none'}} trick only works on normal DOM element, not React component. I have to wrap component inside a div. So I don't have to cascade the state to subcomponent.

<div className="content">  <div className={this.state.curTab == 'securities' ? 'active' : ''}>    <Securities />  </div>  <div className={this.state.curTab == 'plugins' ? 'active' : ''}>    <Plugins />  </div></div>

Looks like official documentation suggests hiding stateful children with style={{display: 'none'}}