Single page application with HttpOnly cookie-based authentication and session management Single page application with HttpOnly cookie-based authentication and session management reactjs reactjs

Single page application with HttpOnly cookie-based authentication and session management

I got this working on Vue.js 2 with credentials = true. Setting credentials from client site only half of the story. You need to set response headers from the server as well:

    header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:8080");    header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");

You can't use wildcard for Access-Control-Allow-Origin like this:

header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

When you specify the credentials: true header, you are required to specify the orgin.

As you can see, this is a PHP code, you can model it to NodeJS or any server side scripting language you are using.

In VueJS I set credentials = true like this in the main.js:

Vue.http.options.credentials = true

In the component, I successfully logged in using ajax:

<template><div id="userprofile">    <h2>User profile</h2>    {{init()}}</div></template><script>    export default {          name: 'UserProfile',        methods: {        init: function() {                // loggin in              console.log('Attempting to login');            this.$http.get('https://localhost/api/login.php')            .then(resource =>  {             // logging response - Notice I don't send any user or password for testing purposes              });            // check the user profile                console.log('Getting user profile');                this.$http.get('https://localhost/api/userprofile.php')                .then(resource =>  {                    console.log(;                })        }    }    }</script>

On the server side, things are pretty simple:Login.php on sets a cookie without making any validation whatsoever (Note: this is done for testing purposes only. You are not advised to use this code in production without validation)

<?phpheader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:8080");header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");$cookie = setcookie('user', 'student', time()+3600, '/', 'localhost', false , true);if($cookie){  echo "Logged in";}else{  echo "Can't set a cookie";}

Finally, the userprofile.php just verifies if a cookie = user is set

<?php  header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:8080");    header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true");if(isset($_COOKIE['user'])){  echo "Congratulations the user is ". $_COOKIE['user'];}else{  echo "Not allowed to access";}

Successfully logged in

Successfully logged in

With credentials controls setting and sending cookies so be sure to turn it on when posting to login so the returned cookie is saved in the browser.