Sinon.js - stub React component's function before component is instantiated? Sinon.js - stub React component's function before component is instantiated? reactjs reactjs

Sinon.js - stub React component's function before component is instantiated?

You will need to overwrite the ExampleComponent.prototype instead of ExampleComponent. ExampleComponent is a constructor. Local methods like test() are saved in it's prototype.

sinon.stub(ExampleComponent.prototype, 'test').returns(false);var renderedComponent = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<ExampleComponent/>);expect(renderedComponent.test).toBe(false); //passes

I found a solution to my problem.

To clarify, my problem is that I wanted to stub out functions that belong to children components that are rendered under a parent component. So something like this:


var Child = require('./child.js');var Parent = React.createClass({    render : function () {        return (            <div className="parent">                <Child/>            </div>        );    }});module.exports = Parent;


var Child = React.createClass({    test : function () {        return true;    },    render : function () {        if (this.test) {            throw('boom');        }        return (            <div className="child">                Child            </div>        );    }});module.exports = Child;

If I were to use TestUtils to render Parent in one of my tests, it would throw the error, which I wanted to avoid. So my problem was that I needed to stub out Child's test function before it was instantiated. Then, when I render Parent, Child won't blow up.

The answer provided did not quite work, as Parent uses require() to get Child's constructor. I'm not sure why, but because of that, I can't stub out Child's prototype in my test and expect the test to pass, like so:

var React = require('react/addons'),    TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils,    Parent = require('./parent.js'),    Child = require('./child.js'),    sinon = require('sinon');describe('Parent', function () {    it('does not blow up when rendering', function () {        sinon.stub(Child.prototype, 'test').returns(false);        var parentInstance = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(<Parent/>); //blows up        expect(parentInstance).toBeTruthy();    });});

I was able to find a solution that fit my needs though. I switched my testing framework from Mocha to Jasmine, and I started using jasmine-react, which provided several benefits, including the ability to stub out a function of a class before it is instantiated. Here is an example of a working solution:

var React = require('react/addons'),    Parent = require('./parent.js'),    Child = require('./child.js'),    jasmineReact = require('jasmine-react-helpers');describe('Parent', function () {    it('does not blow up when rendering', function () {        jasmineReact.spyOnClass(Child, 'test').and.returnValue(false);        var parentInstance = jasmineReact.render(<Parent/>, document.body); //does not blow up        expect(parentInstance).toBeTruthy(); //passes    });});

I hope this helps someone else with a similar issue. If anyone has any questions I would be glad to help.