Trace why a React component is re-rendering Trace why a React component is re-rendering reactjs reactjs

Trace why a React component is re-rendering

If you want a short snippet without any external dependencies I find this useful

componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {  Object.entries(this.props).forEach(([key, val]) =>    prevProps[key] !== val && console.log(`Prop '${key}' changed`)  );  if (this.state) {    Object.entries(this.state).forEach(([key, val]) =>      prevState[key] !== val && console.log(`State '${key}' changed`)    );  }}

Here is a small hook I use to trace updates to function components

function useTraceUpdate(props) {  const prev = useRef(props);  useEffect(() => {    const changedProps = Object.entries(props).reduce((ps, [k, v]) => {      if (prev.current[k] !== v) {        ps[k] = [prev.current[k], v];      }      return ps;    }, {});    if (Object.keys(changedProps).length > 0) {      console.log('Changed props:', changedProps);    }    prev.current = props;  });}// Usagefunction MyComponent(props) {  useTraceUpdate(props);  return <div>{props.children}</div>;}

Here are some instances that a React component will re-render.

  • Parent component rerender
  • Calling this.setState() within the component. This will trigger the following component lifecycle methods shouldComponentUpdate > componentWillUpdate > render > componentDidUpdate
  • Changes in component's props. This will trigger componentWillReceiveProps > shouldComponentUpdate > componentWillUpdate > render > componentDidUpdate (connect method of react-redux trigger this when there are applicable changes in the Redux store)
  • calling this.forceUpdate which is similar to this.setState

You can minimize your component's rerender by implementing a check inside your shouldComponentUpdate and returning false if it doesn't need to.

Another way is to use React.PureComponent or stateless components. Pure and stateless components only re-render when there are changes to it's props.

You can check the reason for a component's (re)render with the React Devtools profiler tool. No changing of code necessary. See the react team's blog post Introducing the React Profiler.

First, go to settings cog > profiler, and select "Record why each component rendered"

React Dev Tools > Settings

Screenshot of React Devtools profiler