Tree shaking in NextJS includes all of node_modules package even if not using it all Tree shaking in NextJS includes all of node_modules package even if not using it all reactjs reactjs

Tree shaking in NextJS includes all of node_modules package even if not using it all

In order for the tree-shaking to work properly react-color should add module property to the package.json which will point to esm version of the lib.

Since it doesn't have it, you will need import directly.


import React from 'react'import SketchPicker  from 'react-color'class Component extends React.Component {  render() {    return <SketchPicker />  }}

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import React from 'react'import SketchPicker  from 'react-color/lib/Sketch'class Component extends React.Component {  render() {    return <SketchPicker />  }}

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