Trying to setup redux history so I can redirect Trying to setup redux history so I can redirect reactjs reactjs

Trying to setup redux history so I can redirect

This could be an issue with dependency mismatch. The repository also mentions something regarding this:

This (react-router-redux 5.x) is the version of react-router-redux for use with react-router 4.x. Users of react-router 2.x and 3.x want to use react-router-redux found at the legacy repository.

Here is a working codesandbox set with react-router-redux 5.x and react-router 4.x for the same tutorial.

Update: Seems like you're using react-router-redux 4.x which might be causing the errors. This sandbox uses v4.x and throws errors

If you are not doing a server side rendering then use BrowserRouter instead in your root.js (See above). This is inside package react-router-dom.

import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'

I would use ConnectedRouter (from react-router-redux) in root.js file only when I am doing serverside rendering. In this case when Hydrate happens (in index.js) in will not throw errors and warnings.

OR Please try this. Correct your routing with a ConnectedSwitch as shown in below example:

const AppContainer = () => (      <ConnectedSwitch>        <Route exact path="/" component={() => (<h1>Home <Link to="/about">About</Link></h1>)} />        <Route path="/about" component={() => (<h1>About <Link to="/">Home</Link></h1>)} />      </ConnectedSwitch>    )const App = connect(state => ({  location: state.location,}))(AppContainer)render(  <Provider store={store}>    <ConnectedRouter history={history}>      <App />    </ConnectedRouter>  </Provider>,  document.getElementById('root'),)

I am open for discussion. Regards.