TS2339: Property 'focus' does not exist on type '{}'. with React typescript TS2339: Property 'focus' does not exist on type '{}'. with React typescript reactjs reactjs

TS2339: Property 'focus' does not exist on type '{}'. with React typescript

The error is in type definition of the inputRef: React.RefObject<{}>;, which is default suggestion for autofixing the type issue.Type RefObject<{}> is not assignable to type RefObject<HTMLInputElement>.Type {} is missing the following properties from type HTMLInputElement: accept, align, alt, autocomplete, and more.

The correct row for public inputRef: React.RefObject<{}>; should be:

  public inputRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;

And the the piece of the code will look like:

export class SearchForm extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {  public inputRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;  constructor(props: any) {    super(props)    this.inputRef = React.createRef()  }  public componentDidMount(): void {      this.inputRef.current.focus()      this.inputRef.current.select()  ...