Updating the array object in React state using immutability helper Updating the array object in React state using immutability helper reactjs reactjs

Updating the array object in React state using immutability helper

One way to do it would be using $set

let index = 0;let newState = update(this.state, {   a: {     b: {      [index]: {               c: { $set: "new value"}       }    }  }});this.setState(newState);


Im importing update from immutability helper here :)

this.state = {  a: {    b: [{ c: '', d: ''}, ...]  }} this.setState((prevState, props) => update(prevState, {    a: {        b: {            $apply: b => b.map((item, ii) => {                if(ii !== n) return item;                return {                    ...item,                    c: 'new value'                }            })        }    }}))