Use custom filter input component with Griddle Use custom filter input component with Griddle reactjs reactjs

Use custom filter input component with Griddle

As exemplified in this demo you can specify a custom filter and custom component:

var _ = require('underscore'),    squish = require('object-squish');var customFilterFunction = function(items, query) {  return _.filter(items, (item) => {    var flat = squish(item);    for (var key in flat) {      if (String(flat[key]).toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) >= 0)        return true;    }    return false;  });};var customFilterComponent = React.createClass({  getInitialState() {    return {      "query": ""    };  },  searchChange(event) {    this.setState({      query:    });    // this line is important    this.props.changeFilter(this.state.query);  },  render() {    return (      <div className="filter-container">        <input type="text"               name="search"               placeholder="Search..."               onChange={this.searchChange} />      </div>    );  }});

Then you can initialize your Griddle table like this:

React.render(  <Griddle results={fakeData} showFilter={true}    useCustomFilterer={true} customFilterer={customFilterFunction}    useCustomFilterComponent={true} customFilterComponent={customFilterComponent}/>,  document.getElementById('griddle'));

The prop changeFilter gets passed to your customFilterComponent because it's the customFilterComponent prop of Griddle.

There is an example of custom filtering on the following page:

See the "Component Customization" section.