using css modules how do I define more than one style name using css modules how do I define more than one style name reactjs reactjs

using css modules how do I define more than one style name

You can add multiple classes using css modules as follows:

className={`${styles.description} ${styles.yellow}`}


function Footer( props) {    return (        <div className={styles.footer}>            <div className={`${styles.description} ${styles.yellow}`}>              <p>this site was created by me</p>            </div>        </div>    );}

Using react-css-modules you can use normal class name syntax:

<div styleName='description yellow'>

and you specify allowMultiple: true for multiple classes

You can use an array that will be joined with a space. i.e

<div className={[styles.App, styles.bold, styles['d-flex-c']].join(' ')}>

I prefer this to using template literals like @steven iseki suggested because it is easier to add and remove classes without having to wrap them in ${} every single time.

But if you're for some reason adding a lot of classes to a lot of elements you can write a higher order function to make it easier

import React from 'react';import styles from './Person.module.css';console.log(styles);// sample console output =>// {//   App: 'App_App__3TjUG',//   'd-flex-c': 'App_d-flex-c__xpDp1',// }// func below returns a function that takes a list of classes as an argument// and turns it in an array with the spread operator and reduces it into a spaced stringconst classLister = styleObject => (...classList) =>  classList.reduce((list, myClass) => {    let output = list;    if (styleObject[myClass]) {      if (list) output += ' '; // appends a space if list is not empty      output += styleObject[myClass];       //Above: append 'myClass' from styleObject to the list if it is defined    }    return output; }, '');const classes = classLister(styles); // this creates a function called classes that takes class names as an argument// and returns a spaced string of matching classes found in 'styles'


<div className={classes('App', 'bold', 'd-flex-c')}>

Looks very neat and readable.

When rendered to the DOM it becomes

<div class="App_App__3TjUG App_d-flex-c__xpDp1">/* Note: the class 'bold' is automatically left out because   in this example it is not defined in styles.module.css    as you can be observe in console.log(styles) */

As expected

And it can be used with conditionals by putting the conditionally generated classes in an array that is used as an argument for classes via ... spread operator

In fact while answering this I decided to publish an npm module because why not.

Get it with

npm install css-module-class-lister

I highly recommend using the classnames package. It's incredibly lightweight (600 bytes minified) and has no dependencies:

import classnames from 'classnames';Function footer(props) {  ...  <div className={classnames(styles.description, styles.yellow)}>}

It even has the added benefit of being able to conditionally add class names (for example, to append a dark theme class), without having to concatenate strings which can accidentally add an undefined or false class:

  <div className={classnames(styles.description, {styles.darkTheme: props.darkTheme })}>