Using fetch API with mode: 'no-cors', can’t set request headers Using fetch API with mode: 'no-cors', can’t set request headers reactjs reactjs

Using fetch API with mode: 'no-cors', can’t set request headers

None of your headers are CORS-safelisted, so they can not be attached to the request.


  1. no-cors request mode sets guard property for a headers object to request-no-cors
  2. To append a name/value (name/value) pair to a Headers object (headers), browser have to run these steps:

    1. Normalize value.

    2. If name is not a name or value is not a value, then throw a TypeError.

    3. If guard is "immutable", then throw a TypeError.

    4. Otherwise, if guard is "request" and name is a forbidden header name, return.

    5. Otherwise, if guard is "request-no-cors" and name/value is not a CORS-safelisted request-header, return. ← your scenario

    6. Otherwise, if guard is "response" and name is a forbidden response-header name, return.

    7. Append name/value to header list.

  3. CORS-safelisted request-header (case-insensitive):
    • Accept
    • Accept-Language
    • Content-Language
    • Content-Type, but only if the value is one of:
      • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
      • multipart/form-data
      • text/plain

You can learn more about fetch's Headers class specs here: