What actually happens when React component returns? What actually happens when React component returns? reactjs reactjs

What actually happens when React component returns?

Before answering the question, it's worth to look at what is JSX. It just provides syntactic sugar for the React.createElement(component, props, ...children) function.

<div>  <MyComponent/></div>

As an example, above JSX snippet will be transformed to following JavaScript code in the compilation process.

React.createElement(  "div",  null,  React.createElement(MyComponent, null));

You can try out this using Babel online repl tool. So if we rewrite your example code using normal JavaScript (after compiling JSX), it will be something like this.

class AComponent extends Component {  render() {    const body = React.createElement(BComponent, { crmStatus: '...' });    debugger // log body on the right    // ... render as static html to electron window    return false  }}class BComponent extends Component {  render() {    const resultRender = React.createElement('article',{ className: 'large' }, '...' );    debugger // log resultRender on the left    return resultRender  }}

By looking at above code, we can understand that <BComponent crmStatus={...}/> doesn't create a new object of BComponent class or call render method of BComponent. It just create a ReactElement with BComponent type and crmStatus prop. So what is a ReactElement? ReactElement is a pain JavaScript object with some properties. I recommend you to read this post from official React blog to get an in-depth understanding of React components, elements, and instances.

An element is a plain object describing a component instance or DOM node and its desired properties. It contains only information about the component type (for example, a Button), its properties (for example, its color), and any child elements inside it.

Basically, what you have printed in the console is two React elements in different types. The left one is describing DOM node with type 'article' and the right one is describing BComponent type React component instance. So simply you can't expect them to be the same.

Then where does React create an instance of BComponent? Actually, this happens internally in the React code. Usually, we don't have access to these instances or what return by their render methods in our application code.

However, React still provide an escape hatch called 'refs' which you can explicitly access instances of child components. You might be able to use that approach to solve your original problem.

Hope this helps!