What is the purpose of having functions like componentWillMount in React.js? What is the purpose of having functions like componentWillMount in React.js? reactjs reactjs

What is the purpose of having functions like componentWillMount in React.js?

componentDidMount is useful if you want to use some non-React JavaScript plugins. For example, there is a lack of a good date picker in React. Pickaday is beautiful and it just plain works out of the box. So my DateRangeInput component is now using Pickaday for the start and end date input and I hooked it up like so:

  componentDidMount: function() {    new Pikaday({      field: React.findDOMNode(this.refs.start),      format: 'MM/DD/YYYY',      onSelect: this.onChangeStart    });    new Pikaday({      field: React.findDOMNode(this.refs.end),      format: 'MM/DD/YYYY',      onSelect: this.onChangeEnd    });  },

The DOM needs to be rendered for Pikaday to hook up to it and the componentDidMount hook lets you hook into that exact event.

componentWillMount is useful when you want to do something programatically right before the component mounts. An example in one codebase I'm working on is a mixin that has a bunch of code that would otherwise be duplicated in a number of different menu components. componentWillMount is used to set the state of one specific shared attribute. Another way componentWillMount could be used is to set a behaviour of the component branching by prop(s):

  componentWillMount() {    let mode;    if (this.props.age > 70) {      mode = 'old';    } else if (this.props.age < 18) {      mode = 'young';    } else {      mode = 'middle';    }    this.setState({ mode });  }

componentDidMount only runs once and on the client side. This is important, especially if you're writing an isomorphic app (runs on both the client and server). You can use componentDidMount to perform tasks require you to have access to window or the DOM.

From Facebook's React Page

If you want to integrate with other JavaScript frameworks, set timers using setTimeout or setInterval, or send AJAX requests, perform those operations in this method.

componentWillMount has fewer use cases (I don't really use it), but it differs in that it runs both on the client and server side. You probably don't want to put event listeners or DOM manipulations here, since it will try to run on the server for no reason.

This is an example of an isomorphic web application that makes use of componentWillMount: https://github.com/coodoo/react-redux-isomorphic-example

However, I'm 99% certain that it runs the code inside componentWillMount for no reason on the server side (I think using componentDidMount to ensure it was only run client side would have made more sense) as the code which ensures that fetch promises are fulfilled before rendering the page is in server.js not inside the individual components.

There is discussion on per-component async fetching here: https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/1739 As far as I can tell, there is not a good use case for componentWillMount as far as isomorphism is concerned at least.