Why shouldn't JSX props use arrow functions or bind? Why shouldn't JSX props use arrow functions or bind? reactjs reactjs

Why shouldn't JSX props use arrow functions or bind?

Why you shouldn't use inline arrow functions in JSX props

Using arrow functions or binding in JSX is a bad practice that hurts performance, because the function is recreated on each render.

  1. Whenever a function is created, the previous function is garbage collected. Rerendering many elements might create jank in animations.

  2. Using an inline arrow function will cause PureComponents, and components that use shallowCompare in the shouldComponentUpdate method to rerender anyway. Since the arrow function prop is recreated each time, the shallow compare will identify it as a change to a prop, and the component will rerender.

As you can see in the following 2 examples - when we use inline arrow function, the <Button> component is rerendered each time (the console shows the 'render button' text).

Example 1 - PureComponent without inline handler