Zoom to specified markers react-native-maps Zoom to specified markers react-native-maps reactjs reactjs

Zoom to specified markers react-native-maps

In the MapView component docs, there are a few methods: fitToElements, fitToSuppliedMarkers and fitToCoordinates. https://github.com/airbnb/react-native-maps/blob/master/docs/mapview.md#methods

If you want to zoom the map in on some collection of markers on load, you can use componentDidMount to zoom in after the initial render:

class SomeView extends Component {    constructor() {      this.mapRef = null;    }    componentDidMount() {      this.mapRef.fitToSuppliedMarkers(        someArrayOfMarkers,        false, // not animated      );    }    render() {      <MapView        ref={(ref) => { this.mapRef = ref }}      >        { someArrayOfMarkers }      </MapView>    }}