ActiveRecord#exists? or rescue from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound ActiveRecord#exists? or rescue from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

ActiveRecord#exists? or rescue from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound

Use find_by_id instead of find:

@cart = Cart.find_by_id(params[:id])

nil's if it does not exist so you can check "if @cart" in your controller/view as needed

You could try asking the user object for its cart. Let's say you have the user assigned to @user then if the user has a cart it would be @user.cart. If @user.cart is nil then they don't have one.

This assumes that you have the relationships between the models set up correctly.

Why don't you do something like...

@cart = @user.cart ||

No worrying about exceptions or if/else statements.Then in your view you could have something like...

<% if @cart.empty? # or whatever method you use to determine      # if there is nothing in the cart...maybe .blank? is fine? %>    <p>Your cart is empty</p><% else %>    <!-- loop through objects in your cart --><% end %>