Adding a background image in Ruby on Rails 2 in CSS Adding a background image in Ruby on Rails 2 in CSS ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Adding a background image in Ruby on Rails 2 in CSS

In Rails 3.1, the path will actually be `/assets/dep.jpg':

background-image: url(/assets/dep.jpg);

If you convert your scaffold.css file to a Sass file (rename to scaffold.css.scss) then you can use the helper:

background-image: image-url("dep.jpg");

The webserver in rails takes public folder as the base of the application. Hence its looking for the specific image under /public/images/ instead of app/assets/images/"dep.jpg" & since its not there over there you cannot get the image. Try to put your image in /public/images/ folder then it would work.

Edit: If you are using rails 3.1 then this would be different as Rails 3.1 uses the concept of asset pipeline for the assets of your application so then then path app/assets/images/dep.jpg would obviously work.

If your image is in app/assets/images/dep.jpg, then in the css file in rails you should write background: url('/assets/dep.jpg');

You don't have to put the image in the public folder this way.