Creating a Backpack-like Calendar in Rails Creating a Backpack-like Calendar in Rails ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Creating a Backpack-like Calendar in Rails

Check out works more like form_for.It also doesn't require Event objects, just objects with a method that returns a date.

  <% calendar_for(@tasks, :year => @year, :month => @month) do |t| %>    <%= t.head('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun') %>    <% => YOUR_DATE_METHOD) do |day, tasks| %>      <%= %><br />      <% tasks.each do |task| %>          <%= h( %><br />        <% end %>      <% end %>    <% end %>  <% end %>

I don't know if this suits the constraints of your problem, but have you looked at the Google Calendar API? I don't know whether you can count on your users having their own accounts, or whether you can programmatically create all the calendars you need on one account and just pull the per-calendar data through the API, but it might be worth a look.