Customizing the show page in ActiveAdmin Customizing the show page in ActiveAdmin ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Customizing the show page in ActiveAdmin

I think you're looking for attributes_table:

show do  attributes_table :name, :contentend

See if you're curious.

(I completely removed my prior answer because it was basically useless!)

show do  attributes_table do    row :profilepic do      image_tag admin_user.profilepic.url, class: 'my_image_size'    end  row :name  row :email  row :adrs  row :phone  row :role  row :salary  row :parent_id  row :joindateend


This will show an example of an object Package with a has_many relationship (FAQS)

  show do |package|    attributes_table do      row :slug      ...      row :hotel      panel "FAQS" do        table_for package.faqs do          column :question          column :answer        end      end    end  end

It will be rendered like this:

enter image description here