Does form_tag work with Simple_form? Does form_tag work with Simple_form? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Does form_tag work with Simple_form?

You can use simple_form even if you aren't creating a form that's tied to a model.

Take this signin form as an example:

<%= simple_form_for :signin, { url: signin_path } do |f| %>  <%= f.input :email %>  <%= f.input :password %>  <%= f.button :submit, "Sign In" %><% end %>

That will generate params like the following:

{  ...  "signin" => {    "email"=>"",    "password"=>"[FILTERED]"},    "commit"=>"Sign In"   } }

In your controller you can reference the form fields using:

params[:signin][:email] ...

simple_form is a wrapper around form_for, not form_tag. You can use simple_form_for instead of form_for, but form_tag just creates <form> tags with specified content, it is not relevant to simple form.

You can avoid use of



<%= f.input :email, input_html: { name: "email" } %>

