Get path to ActiveStorage file on disk Get path to ActiveStorage file on disk ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Get path to ActiveStorage file on disk

Just use:

ActiveStorage::Blob.service.send(:path_for, user.avatar.key)

You can do something like this on your model:

class User < ApplicationRecord  has_one_attached :avatar  def avatar_on_disk    ActiveStorage::Blob.service.send(:path_for, avatar.key)  endend

I'm not sure why all the other answers use send(:url_for, key). I'm using Rails 5.2.2 and url_for is a public method, therefore, it's way better to avoid send, or simply call path_for:

class User < ApplicationRecord  has_one_attached :avatar  def avatar_path    ActiveStorage::Blob.service.path_for(avatar.key)  endend

Worth noting that in the view you can do things like this:

<p>  <%= image_tag url_for(@user.avatar) %>  <br>  <%= link_to 'View', polymorphic_url(@user.avatar) %>  <br>  Stored at <%= @user.image_path %>  <br>  <%= link_to 'Download', rails_blob_path(@user.avatar, disposition: :attachment) %>  <br>  <%= f.file_field :avatar %></p>

Thanks to the help of @muistooshort in the comments, after looking at the Active Storage Code, this works:

active_storage_disk_service = Rails.root.to_s + '/storage/')active_storage_disk_service.send(:path_for, user.avatar.blob.key)  # => returns full path to the document stored locally on disk

This solution feels a bit hacky to me. I'd love to hear of other solutions. This does work for me though.