How can I localize will_paginate in ruby on rails? How can I localize will_paginate in ruby on rails? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How can I localize will_paginate in ruby on rails?

will_paginate accepts a Hash of options, including options to customize the previous/next labels.

<%= will_paginate @collection, :previous_label => t("previous"), :next_label => t("next") %>

In case someone else found the thread..., there is an another solution now.

The following is extracted from the above link.

As of will_paginate v2.3.16 and v3.0, some output of will_paginate view helper and the complete output of page_entries_info helper can be translated by means of the i18n library.

In Rails, this usually means adding your translations in YAML or ruby format in the "config/locale/" directory.

Translation keys and default values for the will_paginate helper can be seen here:

en:  will_paginate:    previous_label: "Previous"    next_label: "Next"    page_gap: "…"