How can I make cookies secure (https-only) by default in rails? How can I make cookies secure (https-only) by default in rails? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How can I make cookies secure (https-only) by default in rails?

There's no need to monkeypatch ActionController/ActionDispatch, and force_ssl has side effects (e.g. when behind an ELB).

The most straightforward way to achieve secure cookies is to modify config/initializers/session_store.rb:

MyApp::Application.config.session_store(   :cookie_store,   key: '_my_app_session',  secure: Rails.env.production?)

starting with rails 3.1, according to the rails security guide, you can simply set the following in your application.rb:

config.force_ssl = true

this forces the cookie to be sent over https only (and I assume everything else, too).

Thanks @knx, you sent me down the right path. Here's the monkeypatch I came up with, which seems to be working:

class ActionController::Response  def set_cookie_with_security(key, value)    value = { :value => value } if Hash != value.class    value[:secure] = true    set_cookie_without_security(key, value)  end  alias_method_chain :set_cookie, :securityend

What do you think?