How can I sort a list of ActiveRecords by an attribute length? How can I sort a list of ActiveRecords by an attribute length? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How can I sort a list of ActiveRecords by an attribute length?

Sameera207 has the right idea,but giving you the answer as ruby code.

Hint.where("sentence LIKE ?","%你%").order("LENGTH(sentence) ASC")

This will solve your problem

Perhaps you want a method like this;

def shortest_example(word)  Hint.where("sentence LIKE ?", "%#{word}%").order("LENGTH(sentence) ASC").firstend

I think the easy way is to do your sorting from the DB end, as an example in MySQL:

order by LENGTH(sentence) desc

even you could write a scope for this.

Because as I can see, if you are trying to sort it after the DB select, it will be another loop which is unnecessary.

this sort:

hints = hints.sort { |x,y| x.sentence.length <=> y.sentence.length }

will do the job