How do you debug a Sinatra app like a Rails app? How do you debug a Sinatra app like a Rails app? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How do you debug a Sinatra app like a Rails app?

You could try adding a before filter that prints out the parameters

before do  puts '[Params]'  p paramsend

My opinion is that for debug you should use configure :development do because some debugging flags are turned on in this scenario. So, under your configure do block you can enable the flags:

enable :logging, :dump_errors, :raise_errors

and for your logging facility:

log ="sinatra.log", "a")STDOUT.reopen(log)STDERR.reopen(log)

From the Sinatra handbook:

  • dump_errors option controls whether the backtrace is dumped to rack.errors when an exception is raised from a route. The option is enabled by default for top-level apps.

  • raise_errors - allow exceptions to propagate outside of the app(...)The :raise_errors option is disabled by default for classic style apps and enabled by default for Sinatra::Base subclasses.

I also use the

puts "something" + myvar.inspect

method in the middle of my controllers.

As @jshen says, ruby-debug is a very nice tool - if you are using Ruby 1.8.

In order to use it in Sinatra, insert

require 'ruby-debug/debugger' 

where you'd like debugging to start.