How Do You Secure database.yml? How Do You Secure database.yml? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How Do You Secure database.yml?

The way I have tackled this is to put the database password in a file with read permissions only for the user I run my application as. Then, in database.yml I use ERB to read the file:

production:  adapter: mysql  database: my_db  username: db_user  password: <%= begin"/home/my_deploy_user/.db") rescue "" end %>

Works a treat.

You'll also want to make sure that your SSH system is well secured to prevent people from logging in as your Capistrano bot. I'd suggest restricting access to password-protected key pairs.

Encrypting the .yml file on the server is useless since you have to give the bot the key, which would be stored . . . on the same server. Encrypting it on your machine is probably a good idea. Capistrano can decrypt it before sending.

Take a look at this github solution: bcdatabase provides an encrypted store where the passwords can be kept separated from the yaml files.


bcdatabase is a library and utility which provides database configuration parameter management for Ruby on Rails applications. It provides a simple mechanism for separating database configuration attributes from application source code so that there's no temptation to check passwords into the version control system. And it centralizes the parameters for a single server so that they can be easily shared among multiple applications and easily updated by a single administrator.