How to complete the rspec put controller test from scaffold How to complete the rspec put controller test from scaffold ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How to complete the rspec put controller test from scaffold

Ok so this is how I do, I don't pretend to strictly follow the best practices, but I focus on precision of my tests, clarity of my code, and fast execution of my suite.

So let take example of a UserController

1- I do not use FactoryGirl to define the attributes to post to my controller, because I want to keep control of those attributes. FactoryGirl is useful to create record, but you always should set manually the data involved in the operation you are testing, it's better for readability and consistency.

In this regard we will manually define the posted attributes

let(:valid_update_attributes) { {first_name: 'updated_first_name', last_name: 'updated_last_name'} }

2- Then I define the attributes I expect for the updated record, it can be an exact copy of the posted attributes, but it can be that the controller do some extra work and we also want to test that. So let's say for our example that once our user updated his personal information our controller automatically add a need_admin_validation flag

let(:expected_update_attributes) { valid_update_attributes.merge(need_admin_validation: true) }

That's also where you can add assertion for attribute that must remain unchanged. Example with the field age, but it can be anything

let(:expected_update_attributes) { valid_update_attributes.merge(age: 25, need_admin_validation: true) }

3- I define the action, in a let block. Together with the previous 2 let I find it makes my specs very readable. And it also make easy to write shared_examples

let(:action) { patch :update, format: :js, id:, user: valid_update_attributes }

4- (from that point everything is in shared example and custom rspec matchers in my projects) Time to create the original record, for that we can use FactoryGirl

let!(:record) { FactoryGirl.create :user, :with_our_custom_traits, age: 25 }

As you can see we manually set the value for age as we want to verify it did not change during the update action. Also, even if the factory already set the age to 25 I always overwrite it so my test won't break if I change the factory.

Second thing to note: here we use let! with a bang. That is because sometimes you may want to test your controller's fail action, and the best way to do that is to stub valid? and return false. Once you stub valid? you can't create records for the same class anymore, therefor let! with a bang would create the record before the stub of valid?

5- The assertions itself (and finally the answer to your question)

before { action }it {  assert_record_values record.reload, expected_update_attributes redirect_to(record)  expect(controller.notice).to eq('User was successfully updated.')}

Summarize So adding all the above, this is how the spec looks like

describe 'PATCH update' do  let(:valid_update_attributes) { {first_name: 'updated_first_name', last_name: 'updated_last_name'} }  let(:expected_update_attributes) { valid_update_attributes.merge(age: 25, need_admin_validation: true) }  let(:action) { patch :update, format: :js, id:, user: valid_update_attributes }  let(:record) { FactoryGirl.create :user, :with_our_custom_traits, age: 25 }  before { action }  it {    assert_record_values record.reload, expected_update_attributes redirect_to(record)    expect(controller.notice).to eq('User was successfully updated.')  }end

assert_record_values is the helper that will make your rspec simpler.

def assert_record_values(record, values)  values.each do |field, value|    record_value = record.send field    record_value = record_value.to_s if (record_value.is_a? BigDecimal and value.is_a? String) or (record_value.is_a? Date and value.is_a? String)    expect(record_value).to eq(value)  endend

As you can see with this simple helper when we expect for a BigDecimal, we can just write the following, and the helper do the rest

let(:expected_update_attributes) { {latitude: '0.8137713195'} }

So at the end, and to conclude, when you have written your shared_examples, helpers, and custom matchers, you can keep your specs super DRY. As soon as you start repeating the same thing in your controllers specs find how you can refactor this. It may take time at first, but when its done you can write the tests for a whole controller in few minutes

And a last word (I can't stop, I love Rspec) here is how my full helper look like. It is usable for anything in fact, not just models.

def assert_records_values(records, values)  expect(records.length).to eq(values.count), "Expected <#{values.count}> number of records, got <#{records.count}>\n\nRecords:\n#{records.to_a}"  records.each_with_index do |record, index|    assert_record_values record, values[index], index: index  endenddef assert_record_values(record, values, index: nil)  values.each do |field, value|    record_value = [field].flatten.inject(record) { |object, method| object.try :send, method }    record_value = record_value.to_s if (record_value.is_a? BigDecimal and value.is_a? String) or (record_value.is_a? Date and value.is_a? String)    expect_string_or_regexp record_value, value,                            "#{"(index #{index}) " if index}<#{field}> value expected to be <#{value.inspect}>. Got <#{record_value.inspect}>"  endenddef expect_string_or_regexp(value, expected, message = nil)  if expected.is_a? String    expect(value).to eq(expected), message  else    expect(value).to match(expected), message  endend

This is the questioner posting. I had to go down the rabbit hole a bit in understanding multiple, overlapping issues here, so I just wanted to report back on the solution I found.

tldr; It's too much trouble trying to confirm that every important attribute comes back unchanged from a PUT. Just check that the changed attribute is what you expect.

The issues I encountered:

  1. FactoryGirl.attributes_for does not return all values, so FactoryGirl: attributes_for not giving me associated attributes suggests using ( :company).attributes.symbolize_keys, which winds up creating new problems.
  2. Specifically, Rails 4.1 enums show as integers instead of enum values, as reported here:
  3. It turns out that the BigDecimal issue was a red herring, caused by a bug in the rspec matcher which produces incorrect diffs. This was established here:
  4. The actual matcher failure is caused by Date values that don't match. This is due to the time returned being different, but it doesn't show because Date.inspect does not show milliseconds.
  5. I got around these problems with a monkey patched Hash method that symbolizes keys and stringifes values.

Here's the Hash method, which could go in rails_spec.rb:

class Hash  def symbolize_and_stringify    Hash[      self      .delete_if { |k, v| %w[id created_at updated_at].member?(k) }      .map { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v.to_s] }    ]  endend

Alternatively (and perhaps preferably) I could have written a custom rspec matcher than iterates through each attribute and compares their values individually, which would have worked around the date issue. That was the approach of the assert_records_values method at the bottom of the answer I selected by @Benjamin_Sinclaire (for which, thank you).

However, I decided instead to go back to the much, much simpler approach of sticking with attributes_for and just comparing the attribute I changed. Specifically:

  let(:valid_attributes) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:company) }  let(:valid_session) { {} }  describe "PUT update" do    describe "with valid params" do      let(:new_attributes) { FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:company, name: 'New Name') }      it "updates the requested company" do        company = Company.create! valid_attributes        put :update, {:id => company.to_param, :company => new_attributes}, valid_session        company.reload        expect(assigns(:company).attributes['name']).to match(new_attributes[:name])      end

I hope this post allows others to avoid repeating my investigations.

Well, I did something that's quite simpler, I'm using Fabricator, but I'm pretty sure it's the same with FactoryGirl:

  let(:new_attributes) ( { "phone" => 87276251 } )  it "updates the requested patient" do    patient = Fabricate :patient    put :update, id: patient.to_param, patient: new_attributes    patient.reload    # skip("Add assertions for updated state")    expect(patient.attributes).to include( { "phone" => 87276251 } )  end

Also, I'm not sure why you are building a new factory, PUT verb is supposed to add new stuff, right?. And what you are testing if what you added in the first place (new_attributes), happens to exist after the put in the same model.