How to return correct HTTP error codes from Ruby on Rails application How to return correct HTTP error codes from Ruby on Rails application ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How to return correct HTTP error codes from Ruby on Rails application

When you're just giving a status code and there is no body, a convenient way is

head 403

This method also accepts the symbolic names for status codes, such as

head :forbidden

You should render page with correct status.

render(:file => File.join(Rails.root, 'public/403.html'), :status => 403, :layout => false)

According to ActionController::Head docs just use this pattern in actions

  return head([status]) if/unless [some condition here]


  return head(:gone) if @record.deleted?  return head(:forbidden) unless @user.owns?(@record)

return is used to make sure that no remaining code in the action will be run.