How to set Thin as default in Rails 3 How to set Thin as default in Rails 3 ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How to set Thin as default in Rails 3

I sent a pull request on the Github repository of rack and it was accepted:

In a near future, we will be able to use Thin just by adding gem 'thin' to our Gemfile and starting app with rails s.

Note that this may be a temporary measure, however.

I chose Thin because Mongrel was not maintained currently and no other server seemed to suit as an alternative to Mongrel.

Alternatively you could use foreman, especially if your web applications tend to get more complicated to run (background workers, clock processes to handle scheduling, etc.)

Taking thin as an example, you would need to create a Procfile in your Rails app with the following content:

web: bundle exec rails server thin -p $PORT

Then just:

foreman start

to start your server.

You can run rails3 with thin using rails server thin

See the output of rails server -h for more options.