How to skip a before_filter for Devise's SessionsController? How to skip a before_filter for Devise's SessionsController? ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How to skip a before_filter for Devise's SessionsController?

Here's a method my colleague just showed me:

# In config/application.rbmodule YourAppNameHere  class Application < Rails::Application  # Whatever else is already here...    # The part to add    config.to_prepare do      Devise::SessionsController.skip_before_filter :your_before_filter_here    end  endend

I recently had this problem with filter in my application_controller I solved it using skip_before_filter

skip_before_filter :check_subdomain!, if: :devise_controller?

We did something like this:

First up, create your own session controller, make sure to inherit correctly:

class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController  skip_before_filter :foobar

Then fix the routes

devise_for :users,  :controllers => {    :sessions => "sessions"  }

Alternatively you could monkey-patch Devise's session controller.