How to take screenshot of a website with Rails 3.1? -- without using a service How to take screenshot of a website with Rails 3.1? -- without using a service ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How to take screenshot of a website with Rails 3.1? -- without using a service

There is a Rails gem for this task.

 gem install selenium-webdriver

Simple use case:

require 'selenium-webdriver' width = 1024 height = 728 driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox '' driver.execute_script %Q{   window.resizeTo(#{width}, #{height}); } driver.save_screenshot('/tmp/screenshot.png') driver.quit

You could use wkhtmltoimage to load up the webpage and save it as an image, then imagemagick, (or one of the ruby wrappers for it) to crop it.

wkhtmltoimage output.jpgconvert -crop 100x100+0+100 output.jpg cropped.jpg

There isn't a prebuilt wkhtmltoimage binary for OSX though, so perhaps you may want to use wkhtmltopdf instead and then imagemagick to convert to an image.

wkthmltopdf output.pdfconvert -crop 100x100+0+100 output.pdf cropped.jpg