How to verify a user's password in Devise How to verify a user's password in Devise ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

How to verify a user's password in Devise

I think this is a better, and more elegant way of doing it:

user = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email])user.valid_password?(params[:user][:password])

The other method where you generate the digest from the user instance was giving me protected method errors.

Use Devise Methods

Devise provides you with built-in methods to verify a user's password:

user = User.find_for_authentication(email: params[:user][:email])user.valid_password?(params[:user][:password])

For Rails 4+ with Strong Params, you can do something like this:

def login  user = User.find_for_authentication(email: login_params[:email])  if user.valid_password?(login_params[:password])    user.remember_me = login_params[:remember_me]    sign_in_and_redirect(user, event: :authentication)  endendprivatedef login_params  params.require(:user).permit(:email, :password, :remember_me)end

I think the better one will be this

valid_password = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email]).valid_password?(params[:user][:password])