I18n for model-specific Rails submit button I18n for model-specific Rails submit button ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

I18n for model-specific Rails submit button

Those labels can be customized using I18n under the +helpers.submit+ key and using %{model} for translation interpolation:  en:    helpers:      submit:        create: "Create a %{model}"        update: "Confirm changes to %{model}"It also searches for a key specific to the given object:  en:    helpers:      submit:        post:          create: "Add %{model}"

Source @ actionview/lib/action_view/helpers/form_helper.rb

If you use the i18n-debug gem, the rails server will print translations look-up attempts to the console, like:

[i18n-debug] en.helpers.submit.post.create => nil