Installing Ruby using rbenv on Ubuntu 14.04 virtualbox hangs Installing Ruby using rbenv on Ubuntu 14.04 virtualbox hangs ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Installing Ruby using rbenv on Ubuntu 14.04 virtualbox hangs

I thought the installation where frozen in the same point, but it just takes a long time to complete (1 hour and still running).To see the installation progress add the verbose modifier to the command:

~$rbenv install --verbose 2.1.2

Note: I followed the Deploy Ruby on Rails instructions for Ubuntu 14.04.

I found a solution that worked for me.

After about 20 minutes of it hanging this error popped up (some of the details cut out):

BUILD FAILED(some extra details...)The Ruby openssl extension was not compiled. Missing the OpenSSL lib?

I then found and followed the answer in this blog post. It directs you to enter this command on the command line sudo apt-get install libssl-dev. After installing libssl-dev (extra details about it in the blog post) I was able to successfully install Ruby 2.1.2.

Same thing here running rbenv install 2.1.9, it took 5-6 minutes to finish.