jQuery-turbolinks - link_to confirm: pops up several times times in Rails jQuery-turbolinks - link_to confirm: pops up several times times in Rails ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

jQuery-turbolinks - link_to confirm: pops up several times times in Rails

jquery-turbolinks should not really be necessary; my apps work correctly without it...

Are you sure that:

  • you have the javascript_include_tag ... line in the <head> part of your html?
  • you have only one javascript_include_tag ... line?


The problem you have is that the jquery_ujs setup is called on every turbolinks page load resulting in duplicated handlers being installed.Since a turbolinks page load just replaces the <body> part of the document you must be doing something inside your <body> that triggers jquery_ujs setup...

See also these answers: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18260585/211060 and https://stackoverflow.com/a/4475479/211060

Maybe you're including multiple copies of rails.js?

Checkout this post and see if solves your problem.

You should be passing the id of the recipe being deleted as a parameter to the recipe_path, probably as follows:

= link_to "Delete", recipe_path(recipe), method: :delete, data: {confirm: "Are you sure?" }, class: "btn btn-default"  

Without an object being passed, I am guessing it is deleting many records.