Load a structure.sql into a rails database via rake Load a structure.sql into a rails database via rake ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Load a structure.sql into a rails database via rake

Use rake db:structure:load, which will load db/structure.sql.


If you want to load another file, you can specify its path via

  • SCHEMA environment variable (Rails 5.0 or later)
  • DB_STRUCTURE environment variable (Rails 4.x)

For example, run

rake db:structure:load SCHEMA=db/another.sql


rake db:structure:load DB_STRUCTURE=db/another.sql

Just use

rake db:setup

which will use either schema.rb or structure.sql depending on your configuration.

Use the database's own SQL load mechanism.

For Postgres this should work (at least if the database exists and you don't need a password):

psql -d databaseName < db/structure.sql

On Heroku where rake db:setup doesn't work as you can't create a database like that you can do this:

heroku pg:psql < db/structure.sql