Mongoid Scope order by syntax please Mongoid Scope order by syntax please ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

Mongoid Scope order by syntax please

It has to be defined like this

scope :recent, order_by(:created_at => :desc).limit(100)

You can check out the mongoid documentation for scopes here

From the page

Named scopes are defined at the class level using a scope macro and can be chained to create result sets in a nice DSL.

class Person  include Mongoid::Document  field :occupation, type: String  field :age, type: Integer  scope :rock_n_rolla, where(occupation: "Rockstar")  scope :washed_up, where( => 30)  scope :over, ->(limit) { where( => limit) }end# Find all the rockstars.Person.rock_n_rolla# Find all rockstars that should probably quit.Person.washed_up.rock_n_rolla# Find a criteria with Keith Richards in it.Person.rock_n_rolla.over(60)