No route matches missing required keys: [:id] No route matches missing required keys: [:id] ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

No route matches missing required keys: [:id]

You need to include the user as well since its a nested route. So something like:

<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_user_item_path(@user, item) %></td>

The problem is that you are using nested resources:

resources :users do   resources :itemsend

So when you have a link:

<%= link_to "Edit", edit_user_item_path(item) %> 

It will lack one user_id so the easy to check the issue is using rake routes. And it will list the routes like this:

edit_user_item GET    /users/:user_id/items/:id/edit(.:format) items#edit

You can see the routes above and check it with the link, you will see it does not have user_id. That's the main reason!

The object item is being passed instead of the required id.

<td><%= link_to "Edit", edit_user_item_path( %></td>