pow says: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake- in any of the sources pow says: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake- in any of the sources ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails

pow says: Bundler::GemNotFound: Could not find rake- in any of the sources

I guess you updated RVM and run into this known issue: https://github.com/37signals/pow/issues/271

the easiest solution is to run it in project dir:

rvm env . > .powenv


cd /project/path # with .rvmrcrvm env > .powenv

I ran into this issue when I changed from .rvmrc to .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files.

Change your .powrc file to be:

if [ -f "$rvm_path/scripts/rvm" ] && [ -f ".ruby-version" ] && [ -f ".ruby-gemset" ]; then  source "$rvm_path/scripts/rvm"  rvm use `cat .ruby-version`@`cat .ruby-gemset`fi

If you are using RVM you have to add a file named ".powenv" at the root of your project as described here :
